Joanne Bard

Be the change you wish to see in the world.

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or to or even
touched. They must be felt with the heart.”

– Helen Keller

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About Me

Joanne Bard

My name is Joanne Schickler and I was born in Kitchener, Ontario, May 22,1954.
My Author Name is Joanne Bard. This is my biography and a series of five books.

My story starts in 1954. In 1962 there was a tragedy in my family that would cause heartbreak, and hardship that would continue in my life over a course of four books. It’s intended to help people try and not allow the past to dictate your future. You can be who or what you want to be, if you allow the past to remain your past. A difficulty I have had my entire lifetime overcome. Don’t be that person, find yourself and move on and become the best person you can be.

My Books

Four Lost Children

My life started in 1954, By 1962 my whole world changed due to a sudden loss of my dear mother. I was 7 years old when the tragedy struck, and my hardship began. In this short novel there are lessons to be learned from the mistakes that were made. Tragedy can or cannot dictate your future unless you allow it too.

Four Lost Children Review

It was a good read

In the days many family’s had a lot of nasty things happen. People need to read this it may help someone find a way out. I think it was a very good story. I see by other reviews someone is a little upset with this story. That makes me want to read more about this family. The family it self draws my attention to want to know more of the tragic life they must have went through. Seems there is more to this story then by this short story. Her sister has made me want to read more.

- Amazon Customer

Excellent story of one's perspective

My feelings go to all experienced such a tragedy

- Sherri Schickler


As the daughter of one of the siblings, I had very little knowledge or relationship with anyone on this side of my family until the past few years, and even then it’s still far less than I would prefer. This book helped me fill in some gaps, and I am very thankful for helping me to learn about some of my family history. Some of the events are being described as “wrong” however, I know from personal experience…I can barely remember what I had for breakfast much less my life 20-30 years ago. Leave the woman to express her pain and if you don’t like what she wrote, maybe try talking to her and getting the “correct” information put in-without fighting with each other I might add.

- Cassandra

Divided We Fell

After being separated from our Father four years earlier we are reunited and forced back into the Lion’s Den to relive the experience all over again to a worst degree. A new woman has taken over and my father’s behavior became more violent. Our lives became unbearable and three other children would enter into this chaos called our family.
Divided We Fell

Four Lost Children - on Spotlight with Logan Crawford

Right Now on The Spotlight Network: Joey Pawlin, in her poignant novel “Four Lost Children,” shares her personal journey of resilience and growth after experiencing the tragic loss of her mother at a young age in 1962. Through her story, Pawlin explores the profound lessons and choices that shaped her life, challenging readers to overcome adversity and avoid being defined by tragedy.

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